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Mallorca - the cyclists island

How have I not cycled in Mallorca before now? I was over there at Easter but have just got around to blogging about it. I've heard so many great stories about the cycling there, but could not have imagined how fantastic is really is. Why? well, first, there are an amazing variety of routes, ride flat along the coast, lovely little villages in the hills, sweeping views, nice challenging climbs up switchbacks to monastaries/churches perched atop a hill, or full on proper mountains! Second, there are the motorists! Such a difference to the UK. So respectful and considerate and patient. Third, so many other cyclists. You really feel kindred spirits out there. I managed 4 rides while I was out there. My second fav, climbing over 800 feet in half a mile and half a dozen switchbacks to Puig de Santa Magdalena Monastery - views definitely worth the climbing and then an exhilarating sprint down again (thank goodness for disc brakes on those switchbacks!). But my absolute favourite, Cap de Formentor or the Lighthouse ride as it is widely known. Quite possibly my favourite ride ever. Some good climbing, tough in parts - but absolutely 200% worth it for the views…. Sheer drops off the edge are not for the faint hearted, first 6 miles are climbing, then down then back up again, then down then back up - then turn around

and come back! Absolutely loved it!! Can not wait to go back and do more routes and longer rides.


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